Nov 15 2012

Candidate Week

We are back home from Candidate Week in Peachtree City, GA, and we are thrilled to announce that we are officially appointed as missionaries with Africa Inland Mission!

The week was full of training, interviews, small group meetings, and just getting to know the staff members and all the “ins and outs” of AIM. It was such a blessing to be there and meet other new missionaries who are in the same process with us. We felt like we were with family the entire week, and we can’t wait to see where God takes all the other appointees who were there too!

So what’s next? At this point, our hope is to join a 2-year TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) team to South Sudan. In case you missed our last newsletter, you can read all about TIMO at  We will be working in an unreached village among the Lopit people. You can learn more about the Lopit people at Please join us now in praying for them, and for the leaders and other members of the TIMO team.

Now that we are appointed with AIM, we are also beginning the support raising process. In order to go on the South Sudan TIMO team, we will need $19,902 for our outgoing expenses (which covers medical costs, travel expenses, Africa based orientation school, language acquisition courses, and housing setup). We will also need to have $3,696 in monthly pledged support for the 2 years we will be there.

At first the numbers seemed overwhelming to us, but we know that God has brought us this far, and if He desires us to be on this team then He will provide the finances as well. We ask for your prayers as we seek to trust and follow him in this next step. We want to see the support raising process not as a burden or obstacle to overcome, but as an opportunity to minister to others now as we share the passion that God has placed on our hearts.

We would love to talk with you more about what God is doing in South Sudan and especially among the Lopit people. Please let us know if you have questions, or would like to learn more about our TIMO team. Also feel free to contact us with any prayer requests of your own. Thank you again for your continued prayers and support.


-Brandon & Heather